开发基于DeepSeek-R1 AI的聊天应用——曲靖M CMS中的实践

随着人工智能技术的发展,AI大模型的应用已经渗透到各行各业。今天,我想分享一下我在为曲靖M的CMS系统开发一个基于AI大模型的聊天应用过程中的一些经验与心得。这个项目中,我们选择了DeepSeek-R1作为我们的AI合作伙伴,并且前端采用了Vue 2.0框架以及Element UI主题风格来构建用户界面。




  • 后端AI引擎:deepseek-r1-distill-qwen-32b
  • 前端框架:Vue.js 2.0
  • UI库:Element UI

选择这些技术的原因在于它们各自的优点:DeepSeek提供了强大的自然语言处理能力;Vue 2.0因其易学性和灵活性而被广泛使用;Element UI则提供了一套美观、一致的组件,极大地加快了开发速度。


  <div class="chat-container">
    <div id="scrollArea" class="response-area">
      <div class="response-prompt">
        <h1>我是 {{ model }}@曲靖M,很高兴见到你!</h1>
        <div class="response-prompt__des">我可以帮你写作各种创意内容、写代码,请把你的任务交给我吧~</div>
      <!-- 对于每个回复,显示在一个卡片中,并附带token数、字数、耗时和思维链 -->
      <div v-for="(item, key, index) in responseDetails" :key="index" class="response-card">
        <div v-if="item.role === 'user'" class="response-card-question">
          <div class="response-card-question__content">
            <div class="response-card-question__content-wrap">
              <div class="response-card-question__content-wrap__text" v-text="item.content" />
          <div class="response-card-question__avatar">
            <el-avatar shape="square" :size="48" src="https://img.qujingm.com/1/1/q_icon.png" class="response-card-question__avatar-img" />
        <div v-else class="response-card-answer">
          <div class="response-card-answer__avatar">
            <el-avatar shape="square" :size="48" src="https://img.qujingm.com/1/1/ai_icon.png" class="response-card-answer__avatar-img" />
          <div class="response-card-answer__main">
            <div class="response-card-answer__main-meta">
              <div class="response-card-answer__main-meta__modelname">{{ model }} | 曲靖M</div>
            <el-collapse v-model="item.showCollapseItem" accordion class="response-card-answer__main-think">
              <el-collapse-item name="thinking">
                <template slot="title">
                  <div class="response-card-answer__main-think__status">
                    <div class="response-card-answer__main-think__status-info">
                      <span v-if="item.status === 'thinking'">思考中</span>
                      <span v-else>已深度思考</span>
                    <loading-loop v-if="item.status === 'thinking'" class="response-card-answer__main-think__status-progress" />
                <div class="response-card-answer__main-think__content" v-html="item.chainOfThought" />
            <vue-markdown :source="item.content" class="response-card-answer__main-content" />
            <div class="response-card-answer__main-info">
              Token数: {{ item.tokenCount }} | 字数: {{ item.wordCount }} | 耗时: {{ item.duration }} 秒
    <div ref="questionArea" class="question-area">
      <div class="question-area-box">
          :autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 10 }"
        <div class="question-area__tools">
          <div class="question-area__tools-box">
              <el-button style="margin-top: 10px;" @click="refreshChat">新建对话</el-button>
            <el-button type="primary" :loading="answering" style="margin-top: 10px;" @click="askQuestion">发送</el-button>

import VueMarkdown from 'vue-markdown'
import LoadingLoop from '@/components/LoadingLoop'
// const systemPrompt = { role: 'system', content: '你是一个专业的文章创作助手' }
export default {
  name: 'AiChat',
  components: { VueMarkdown, LoadingLoop },
  data() {
    return {
      model: 'deepseek-r1-distill-qwen-32b',
      question: '',
      conversationHistory: [],
      startTime: 0,
      responseDetails: {}, // 存储每个回复的详情,包括内容、token数、字数、耗时、思维链和状态
      currentReplyIndex: '', // 当前正在构建的回复索引
      currentChainOfThought: '', // 当前正在构建的思维链内容
      currentFormalContent: '', // 当前正在构建的正式回复
      currentReplayRole: '', // 当前回复的角色
      answering: false
  watch: {
    questionContent: {
      handler(val) {
        if (val.trim()) {
          this.question = val
      immediate: true
  // created() {
  //   this.conversationHistory.push(systemPrompt)
  // },
  methods: {
    askQuestion() {
      if (this.answering) {
          title: '提示',
          message: '正在回复中,请稍后'
      this.answering = true
      this.$store.dispatch('app/updateQuestionContent', '')
      if (this.question.trim()) {
        this.conversationHistory.push({ role: 'user', content: this.question })
        this.startTime = performance.now() // 记录开始时间
        this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.startTime + '', {
          role: 'user',
          content: this.question
        this.question = ''
      } else {
          message: '请输入你的问题',
          type: 'warning'
    async getResponse() {
      try {
        const response = await fetch('https://dashscope.aliyuncs.com/compatible-mode/v1/chat/completions', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            // 根据实际情况添加必要的请求头或认证信息
            'Authorization': 'Bearer Your API Key'
          body: JSON.stringify({
            model: this.model,
            messages: this.conversationHistory,
            stream: true,
            stream_options: {
              include_usage: true

        const reader = response.body.getReader()
        const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8')
        let partialMessage = ''
        let done = false

        while (!done) {
          const { value, done: doneReading } = await reader.read()
          done = doneReading
          const chunkValue = decoder.decode(value, { stream: true })
          partialMessage += chunkValue

          // 分割成可能的完整JSON对象
          const lines = partialMessage.split('\n')
          partialMessage = lines.pop() || '' // 最后一行可能是未完成的

          for (let line of lines) {
            if (line.trim()) {
              // 检查是否是结束标志
              if (line === 'data: [DONE]') {
                done = true
              // 移除"data: "前缀
              if (line.startsWith('data: ')) {
                line = line.slice('data: '.length)
              try {
                const parsedMsg = JSON.parse(line)
                this.currentReplyIndex = parsedMsg.id || '1'
                const scrollArea = document.getElementById('scrollArea')
                  top: scrollArea.scrollHeight,
                  behavior: 'smooth'
              } catch (parseError) {
                console.error('Failed to parse a message', parseError, 'on line:', line)
        this.conversationHistory.push({ role: this.currentReplayRole, content: this.currentFormalContent })
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching the response', error)
      } finally {
        this.currentReplyIndex = ''
        this.currentChainOfThought = ''
        this.currentFormalContent = ''
        this.currentReplayRole = ''
        this.answering = false
    handleParsedMessage(parsedMsg) {
      if (parsedMsg.choices && parsedMsg.choices.length > 0) {
        if (parsedMsg.choices[0].finish_reason === 'stop') {
          this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.currentReplyIndex, {
            status: 'stop',
            showCollapseItem: '',
            chainOfThought: this.currentChainOfThought,
            content: this.currentFormalContent,
            promptTokenCount: 0,
            completionTokenCount: 0,
            tokenCount: 0,
            wordCount: 0,
            duration: ((Math.floor(performance.now() - this.startTime)) / 1000).toFixed(1)
        } else if (parsedMsg.choices[0].delta) {
          const delta = parsedMsg.choices[0].delta
          const reasoningContent = delta.reasoning_content || ''
          const formalContent = delta.content || ''
          const role = delta.role || ''
          if (role.length > 0) {
            this.currentReplayRole = role
            this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.currentReplyIndex, {
              role: this.currentReplayRole,
              status: 'thinking',
              showCollapseItem: 'thinking',
              chainOfThought: this.currentChainOfThought,
              content: this.currentFormalContent,
              promptTokenCount: 0,
              completionTokenCount: 0,
              tokenCount: 0,
              wordCount: 0,
              duration: ((Math.floor(performance.now() - this.startTime)) / 1000).toFixed(1)
          if (reasoningContent.length > 0) {
            this.currentChainOfThought += reasoningContent
            this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.currentReplyIndex, {
              role: this.currentReplayRole,
              status: 'thinking',
              showCollapseItem: 'thinking',
              chainOfThought: this.currentChainOfThought,
              content: this.currentFormalContent,
              promptTokenCount: 0,
              completionTokenCount: 0,
              tokenCount: 0,
              wordCount: 0,
              duration: ((Math.floor(performance.now() - this.startTime)) / 1000).toFixed(1)
          } else if (formalContent.length > 0) {
            this.currentFormalContent += formalContent
            this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.currentReplyIndex, {
              role: this.currentReplayRole,
              status: 'reasoning',
              showCollapseItem: '',
              chainOfThought: this.currentChainOfThought,
              content: this.currentFormalContent,
              promptTokenCount: 0,
              completionTokenCount: 0,
              tokenCount: 0,
              wordCount: 0,
              duration: ((Math.floor(performance.now() - this.startTime)) / 1000).toFixed(1)
      } else {
        const promptTokens = parsedMsg.usage.prompt_tokens || 0
        const completionTokens = parsedMsg.usage.completion_tokens || 0
        const totalTokens = parsedMsg.usage.total_tokens || 0
        this.$set(this.responseDetails, this.currentReplyIndex, {
          role: this.currentReplayRole,
          status: 'stop',
          showCollapseItem: '',
          chainOfThought: this.currentChainOfThought,
          content: this.currentFormalContent,
          promptTokenCount: promptTokens,
          completionTokenCount: completionTokens,
          tokenCount: totalTokens,
          wordCount: this.currentFormalContent.length,
          duration: ((Math.floor(performance.now() - this.startTime)) / 1000).toFixed(1)
    refreshChat() {

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.chat-container {
  width: 100%;
  height: calc(100vh - 76px);
  background-color: #ffffff;
  padding: 0 10px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;
.response-area {
  overflow-y: scroll;
.response-prompt {
  padding: 150px 0 150px 0;
  h1 {
    font-size: 24px;
    text-align: center;
  &__des {
    text-align: center;

.response-card {
  max-width: 750px;
  padding: 50px 0;
  margin: 0 auto;
  border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
  &-question {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: flex-end;
    &__content {
      min-height: 48px;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: center;
      &-wrap {
        text-align: right;
        padding-left: 58px;
        &__text {
          display: inline-block;
          text-align: left;
          font-size: 18px;
          line-height: 26px;
          white-space: pre-wrap;
    &__avatar {
      &-img {
        margin-left: 10px;
  &-answer {
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    &__avatar {
      &-img {
        margin-right: 10px;
        padding: 5px;
    &__main {
      flex: 1;
      padding-right: 58px;
      &-meta {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        line-height: 24px;
        &__modelname {
          font-size: 18px;
          font-weight: bolder;
        &__time {
          color: #999999;
      &-think {
        margin: 10px 0 20px 0;
        border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;
        border-radius: 5px;
        padding: 0 15px;
        background-color: #f9f9f9;
        /deep/.el-collapse-item__header {
          background-color: transparent;
          border: 0;
        /deep/.el-collapse-item__wrap {
          background-color: transparent;
        &__status {
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: row;
          align-items: center;
          &-info {
            font-size: 18px;
          &-progress {
            width: 200px;
            margin-left: 20px;
        &__content {
          font-size: 18px;
          line-height: 26px;
          white-space: pre-wrap;
      &-content {
        line-height: 160%;
        font-size: 18px;
      &-info {
        border-top: 1px dotted #e2e2e2;
        padding-top: 20px;
        color: #999999;
.question-area {
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  &-box {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    background-color: #f2f2f2;
    padding: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    max-width: 750px;
    margin: 0 auto;
  &__input {
    /deep/.el-textarea__inner {
      font-size: 18px;
      line-height: 26px;
      background-color: #f2f2f2;
      color: #000000;
      &::placeholder {
        color: #333333;
        font-size: 18px;
  &__tools {
    &-box {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;
      justify-content: space-between;


通过这次开发,我不仅深入了解了DeepSeek的强大功能,也体验到了Vue.js与Element UI结合带来的高效开发流程。希望这篇博客能够为你带来一些灵感和帮助。如果你有任何问题或建议,请随时留言交流!

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